Free Equity Release Calculator
<h1>Equity release calculator range</h1>
<p>You can quickly calculate how much equity you could release from your home with our equity
release calculator range. To get you started, why not use our quick calculator, to get an idea
of the maximum you could borrow?</p>
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let textInAppendBlock = 'How much money could I release?';
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switch (lastPathInUrl) {
case 'voluntary-repayments':
textInAppendBlock = 'How much money could I save?';
case 'equity-remaining':
textInAppendBlock = 'How much equity could I retain?';
case 'switch-plans':
textInAppendBlock = 'How much money could I save?';
} else if (resultRegExpTestPlans) {
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<p class="c-services__description-title" style="background-color: white; font-size: 40px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -12px;">Please don't go!</p>
<p>You’ll know how much money you could release in just a few seconds. </p>
<p>We also need your email address to send your results and your phone number so that your local, expert adviser
can talk to you more about the money you want to release.</p>
<p>This won’t be a sales call from a call-centre, just a chance for us to say “hello” and see if we can help
you. </p>
<p> So, click the button below, give us a bit more information and in a few seconds you’ll know how much money
you could release. </p>
<p><a href="#" class="c-button _icon"> <span>Complete Calculator</span> <i class="c-icon _arrow-white"></i> </a>
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